NT-USB Miniは、RØDEのワールドクラスのスタジオマイクの純粋な音質をコンパクトで使いやすいUSBマイクにもたらします。 非常にクリアでプロ品質のオーディオをコンピューターやタブレットに直接配信するように設計されており、完全な解像度で聞きたいゲーマー、ポッドキャスター、ミュージシャン、ストリーマー、コンテンツクリエーターに最適なマイクです。
- すべての録音アプリケーションでクリアでプロフェッショナルなサウンドを実現する暖かさと存在感を提供する高品質のコンデンサーカプセル。
- 指向性カーディオイド極性パターン。部屋の音を減らし、会話、ボーカル、楽器などの主題に焦点を合わせるように最適化されています。
- 破裂音を減らすための内蔵ポップフィルター。
- シンプルでパワフルなポッドキャスティングおよびストリーミングソフトウェアと完全に互換性があります。RØDE Connect
- 内蔵のデジタル信号処理:ノイズゲート、コンプレッサー、APHEX® Aural Exciter™およびBig Bottom™(RØDE Connect経由でアクセス)
- 統合された360度のスイングマウントにより、デスクトップ、マイクスタンド、またはスタジオアームにすばやく簡単に配置できます。
- ユニークな着脱式マグネットデスクスタンドは、ノックや衝撃から優れた隔離性を提供し、素早く簡単に取り外すことができます。
- コンピューターやタブレットとシームレスに連携するクラス準拠のUSB出力。ドライバーやソフトウェアは必要ありません。プラグインするだけで、レコードをヒットできます。
- ゼロレイテンシーのヘッドフォンモニタリングは、気が散るエコーを排除します。
- 精密なレベルコントロールを備えたスタジオ品質のヘッドフォンアンプ。
- スチールと強化ナイロン樹脂構造、スタイリッシュなマットブラック仕上げ、コンパクトでモダンなデザインです。
- High-quality condenser capsule that delivers warmth and presence for a clear, professional sound in all recording applications.
- Directional cardioid polar pattern, optimised to reduce room sound and focus on the subject, be it dialogue, vocals or instruments.
- In-built pop filter for reducing plosives.
- Fully compatible with our simple and powerful podcasting and streaming software, RØDE Connect
- In-built digital signal processing: noise gate, compressor, APHEX® Aural Exciter™ and Big Bottom™ (accessed via RØDE Connect)
- Integrated 360-degree swing mount for quick and easy positioning on a desktop, mic stand, or studio arm.
- Unique detachable magnetic desk stand that provides excellent isolation from knocks and bumps and is quick and easy to remove.
- Class-compliant USB output that works seamlessly with computers or tablets, no drivers or software needed – just plug in and hit record.
- Zero-latency headphone monitoring eliminates distracting echo.
- Studio-quality headphone amplifier with precision level control.
- Steel and reinforced nylon resin construction, stylish matte black finish and compact, modern design.
NT-USB Miniは、RØDEの世界的に有名なスタジオマイクの純粋な音質をコンパクトなUSBプラットフォームにもたらします。 レコーディングに暖かさと存在感を与えるように特別に調整されており、会話、ボーカル、ギターなど、目の前のどんなものでもすべてに素晴らしいサウンドをもたらします。
スタジオグレードのヘッドホンアンプと高品質の3.5mmヘッドホン出力を備え、高精度のボリュームコントロールを備えているため、オーディオを簡単に監視できます。 録音時に邪魔なエコーを排除するための切り替え可能なゼロレイテンシーモニタリングモードもあります。セットアップと使用は非常に簡単で、シンプルなコントロール、内蔵のポップフィルター、コンピューターやタブレットとシームレスに連携するクラス準拠のUSB出力を備えており、ドライバーやソフトウェアは必要ありません。 Mac、PC、またはタブレットに接続するだけで、レコードをヒットできます。

NT-USB Miniは、必要に応じて柔軟に設計されています。 独自の取り外し可能な磁気デスクスタンドを備えています。これにより、デスクトップに頑丈なベースが提供されるだけでなく、マイクスタンドやスタジオアームの取り外しと取り付けが非常に簡単になります。これと独自の360度スイングマウントは、マイクを直立、斜め、横向き、または逆さまに配置できることを意味します。可能な限り最高の録音を行うために必要な場所ならどこでも。
Twitchでストリーミングしている場合でも、お気に入りのDAWに録音している場合でも、Zoomでビジネスコールを利用している場合でも、NT-USB Miniを使用すると完全な音声が聞こえます。

NT-USB Miniは、デスクトップやホームスタジオのセットアップに最適です。 幅89mm、高さ141mmと非常にコンパクトで、貴重なデスクトップスペースを占有することはありません。 さらに素晴らしい外観:すっきりとしたラインとモダンな美しさを備え、なめらかでスタイリッシュです。 耐久性のあるスチールと強化ナイロン樹脂の構造により、NT-USB Miniはあらゆる場所での厳しい録音にも対応できます。

RØDE Connect
RØDE Connect is a simple and powerful software solution for podcasting and livestreaming with the NT-USB Mini.
Unlock the True Potential of the NT-USB MiniRØDE Connect unlocks access to the NT-USB Mini’s in-built compressor, noise gate and legendary APHEX Aural Exciter and Big Bottom processors. Activated with a single click, each processor is optimised for the NT-USB Mini and will deliver an extra level of professional shine to your recordings.
Podcast the Easy WayConnect up to four NT-USB Minis to a single Mac or PC without the need for complex routing or complicated software. Featuring an intuitive, fully featured recording interface, virtual channels for connecting remote guests, and automatic mix-minus on each channel for crystal-clear, echo-free communication, this is the easiest way to make a professional podcast.
Stream like a ProTogether with the NT-USB Mini, RØDE Connect is a powerful solution for streamers and gamers who want to simplify their audio setup. Offering streamlined control over microphone audio and external applications, plus dedicated output controls for streaming apps like OBS or Xsplit, setting up livestream audio has never been easier.

RØDE Central
When your NT-USB Mini is connected to a computer via USB, its firmware can be updated with the RØDE Central app. Simply download and open RØDE Central, plug in your NT-USB Mini and the prompt will appear for permission to update your microphone firmware.
Note: This option is not available for RØDE Central on mobile.

The headphone amplifier in the NT-USB Mini is very powerful and easily capable of driving high-impedance headphones.
Yes, the NT-USB Mini has an in-built pop filter for reducing plosives. This differs from the NT-USB which has an external pop filter.
If you are still hearing an echo when you activate the zero-latency monitoring mode on the NT-USB Mini, you should mute your microphone channel output in your recording software.
Here’s an example. Let’s imagine you are adding the vocal track to a song. In your recording software, you have the other parts of the song - drums, guitar, bass and so on; you have created a track for the vocal and assigned the NT-USB Mini to this track to record. By default, your DAW will likely still be sending the output of the microphone back to the headphone along with the rest of the mix. You will hear this in addition as the zero-latency audio from the mic, meaning your voice might sound as if it has an echo or doubling effect on it.
To prevent this, mute the output of your vocal track in your software when you are recording the vocal. This means you will hear in your headphones two things - the full mix of the song, but without your voice, and the zero-latency monitor output of your voice. This makes for a more natural recording experience.
Once you’ve finished recording, don’t forget to unmute your vocal channel so you can listen to your song with the vocal track you just recorded in the mix. Also deactivate zero-latency monitoring so that you can edit your mix without any distracting sounds from the room being picked up by the mic and sent to your headphones.
The NT-USB Mini is a condenser microphone, which means it is quite sensitive and capable of cleanly picking up audio further from the microphone. This makes it great for a wide variety of applications, from recording acoustic guitar to taking a video call while sitting at a desk. For singing, livestreaming or voiceover production, we recommend setting up the microphone around 10-15cm from the mouth to take advantage of the proximity effect. Placing the microphone closer to the sound source will also improve the voice-to-background-noise ratio.
The NT-USB Mini is compatible with the PSA1+, DS1, Tripod and all RØDE boom poles.
When you record into your computer, you usually want to monitor (listen to) what you are recording in your headphones. By default, the audio is sent from the microphone to your computer and is then processed by your recording software. It is then sent back to your headphones. The problem with this is that it takes a fraction of a second for your computer software to process the audio and send it back to the headphones which can cause a distracting delay – this delay is known as latency and will vary in length depending on your setup. This delay can make it very hard to perform naturally, whether you’re singing or speaking. The zero-latency monitoring mode removes this distracting delay. This is achieved by sending the output of the microphone directly to the headphones in real-time, bypassing the computer. This signal is accompanied by the output from your computer, so you can still hear the output (for example, your backing track if you are singing, or your game sound if you're streaming), but allows a more natural and comfortable listening experience (which results in a better performance).
To activate this mode, simply press the volume knob on the front of the NT-USB Mini. You will immediately hear the output of the microphone in your headphones. To deactivate this mode, simply click the volume knob again.
Note: When using zero-latency monitoring mode, you may want to mute your microphone channel output in your software while recording, so you only hear the rest of the mix. This will ensure the most natural and echo-free sound.
The NT-USB Mini is more compact than the NT-USB. It also has an in-built pop filter, a magnetic base that is easily detachable, a 360-degree swing mount, and more streamlined, straightforward controls. This makes it a great portable, easy-to-use option. The NT-USB Mini also features built-in DSP that allows it to run the complex processes in RØDE Connect in real-time.
The NT-USB features a removable pop shield, a locking thread base for mounting to external shock mounts, along with a monitor mix control knob to fine tune your mic input/device output mix. Both microphones deliver pristine, studio-quality audio.
The NT-USB Mini will work with any device that supports class-compliant audio. This includes PCs, Macs, Android devices, and Lightning iOS devices when used with the camera connector kit. If there is a warning on your device that the mic draws too much power, then simply plug in the Lighting port of the adapter to a power supply.
The knob on the NT-USB Mini is an output control for your headphone levels. It is not an input control - your input level must be set on your computer or recording device. This knob also activates zero-latency monitoring mode, which is enabled by pressing it and is indicated by the top left LED.
The input level from the NT-USB Mini to your computer can be controlled through your system settings. For Mac, this will be in ‘Sound Preferences’ > ‘Input’ > ‘Input Volume'. For PC, it will be in ‘Recording Devices’ > click on “NT-USB Mini” > ‘Properties’ > ‘Levels’. The volume knob controls the output going to your headphones.
RØDE Connect is an ideal audio solution for podcasting and livestreaming with the NT-USB+ and NT-USB Mini, but can be used for a wide variety of recording applications, such as recording a voiceover.
RØDE Connect is a simple and powerful software solution for podcasting and streaming with the NT-USB Mini. Offering an intuitive, fully featured recording interface, the ability to connect up to four NT-USB Minis to a single computer, seamless integration with video call and streaming applications, and access to the NT-USB Mini's internal compressor, noise gate and APHEX audio processors, RØDE Connect is the easiest way to record a podcast and livestream with incredible audio.
There are many things you can do to get a clean recording with minimal spill between microphones. Try recording in the quietest place possible, ideally in a room with minimal reflective surfaces (such as floorboards). Place the microphones as far away from each other as possible, faced away from one another. Positioning each microphone less than six inches from you and your guests’ will also help to capture a clean signal (you may need to use a desk stand or studio arm like the RØDE DS1 or PSA1+ to achieve this).