Wireless PRO
Premium Wireless Microphone System
EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Free Interview GO with Wireless PRO purchase. Available for a limited time only.
The Wireless PRO is the ultimate wireless microphone, packed full of powerful features that offer incredible flexibility for recording pristine audio for your content. Never lose a take with 32-bit float on-board recording, keep all your video and audio flawlessly synchronised with timecode, and capture incredible-sounding content effortlessly with intelligent GainAssist technology. The Wireless PRO delivers everything you could possibly want from a compact wireless microphone system, and much more.
Key Features:
- Dual-channel compact wireless microphone system
- RØDE’s state-of-the-art Series IV 2.4 GHz digital transmission with 128-bit encryption for crystal-clear, incredibly stable audio with a range of up to 260m
- Universal compatibility with cameras, smartphones and computers
- 32-bit float on-board recording for recovering clipped or quiet audio files
- Timecode capabilities for quick-and-easy audio sync in post-production
- Intelligent GainAssist technology, flexible output gain control and safety channel for ensuring pristine audio when recording direct to camera
- 32GB internal memory per transmitter for over 40 hours of on-board recording time
- Locking 3.5mm TRS connectors for complete security
- Headphone monitoring with on-board level control
- Plug-in power detect for extended battery life
- Complete accessory kit, including smart charging case, two Lavalier II microphones, cables, MagClip GO magnetic mounting clips and accessory case
- Easy configuration on a computer or smartphone via RØDE Central
- Designed and made in RØDE’s precision facilities in Sydney, Australia
- Dual-channel compact wireless microphone system
- RØDE’s state-of-the-art Series IV 2.4 GHz digital transmission with 128-bit encryption for crystal-clear, incredibly stable audio with a range of up to 260m
- Universal compatibility with cameras, smartphones and computers
- 32-bit float on-board recording for recovering clipped or quiet audio files
- Timecode capabilities for quick-and-easy audio sync in post-production
- Intelligent GainAssist technology, flexible output gain control and safety channel for ensuring pristine audio when recording direct to camera
- 32GB internal memory per transmitter for over 40 hours of on-board recording time
- Locking 3.5mm TRS connectors for complete security
- Headphone monitoring with on-board level control
- Plug-in power detect for extended battery life
- Complete accessory kit, including smart charging case, two Lavalier II microphones, cables, MagClip GO magnetic mounting clips and accessory case
- Easy configuration on a computer or smartphone via RØDE Central
- Compatible with all RØDE Series IV devices, including the Wireless ME, Wireless GO II, RØDECaster Duo, RØDECaster Pro II and Streamer X
- Designed and made in RØDE’s precision facilities in Sydney, Australia
RØDE Guarantee
RØDE Guarantee
"I take my obligations to our customers, the environment and future generations seriously. To that end, and to give comfort to current and future RØDE customers, we have implemented a 5-year warranty on all wireless products. This means if you own a RØDE wireless product it now has a 5-year warranty, regardless of when you bought it. At the end of that 5-year period RØDE will offer you a seamless and cost-effective pathway to upgrade.
I also give you my personal guarantee that all future RØDE wireless product designs will have user-replaceable batteries where possible, or be supported by our 5-year warranty and sustainable battery recycling program.
If you have a RØDE wireless product that requires responsible disposal, please contact our customer support team."
– Peter Freedman AM, Founder
Wireless GO 是RØDE 打造的第一代超紧凑型无线麦克风系统, Wireless PRO 继承了这一理念并达到全新高度。RØDE为其自主研发了更先进的第四代 2.4 GHz 数字传输方案,具有128位加密技术和接近零延迟的编解码能力,可提供水晶般清晰干净的声音、极其稳定的信号。传输距离最远可达 260 米,几乎是在任意录音场景中都值得信赖的无线音频系统。

最糟的事情莫过于直到将音频素材导入编辑软件,才发现自己的录音文件削波失真,无法使用了。有了 Wireless PRO,这些烦恼都将成为历史。32 Bit浮点板载录音是音频应用上的颠覆性创新,它意味着每次录音时您的音频都会被安全的备份,可以在后期制作中无损挽救过大或过小的录音部分。录音前你甚至无需设置录音增益,Wireless PRO从此定义了全新的游戏规则。

有了Wireless PRO的时间码功能,您可以轻松完美同步音频和视频-无需复杂而昂贵的外部时间码系统。

除了32 Bit浮点板载录音外,Wireless PRO还提供了大量功能以确保录音安全。使用智能增益辅助技术确保录音流畅自然;通过灵活的增益控制和量身定制的预设将麦克风与相机精确匹配;再用安全轨添加一层额外的保护,保证完美录音。

Wireless PRO 配备了可以适用任意场景的完整配件生态,开箱即用。包装内含有两支 Lavalier II 专业广播级领夹式麦克风、适合户外使用的防风毛衣、一对用于将发射器固定到任何地方的 MagClip GO 磁吸夹、一个可以传输数据的智能充电盒,以及一个精巧便捷的配件包(用于存放领夹式麦克风、手机相机适配线和磁吸夹)。
Wireless PRO 具有模拟(3.5mm)和数字 (USB-C) 输出口,可普遍兼容相机/摄像机和其他音频设备、iOS 设备和 Android 智能手机和平板电脑,以及 Windows 和 Mac 电脑。

便捷操控 配置随心
您可以通过高清液晶显示屏随时查看音频电平状态,可以通过按键快速设置录音增益、触发录音并且完成各项设置。通过使用电脑或手机上的 RØDE Central 应用,随时随地自定义无线麦克风系统功能设置,以便您可以为任何录制情况做好准备。

您可以利用 Wireless PRO 的大功率耳机输出(配有板载电平控制)在现场监听音频,或者连接耳麦,在监听的同时录制第三个音轨,解锁隐藏关卡。

结构紧凑 一手在握
Wireless PRO具有与RØDE紧凑型无线系列其他产品相同的袖珍外形。超紧凑、超轻巧,是秀外慧中的性能小钢炮,也是任何录音场景的完美搭配。

保护、续航、传输 一盒搞定
随附的智能充电盒不仅能在路上保护 Wireless PRO,还能确保发射器和接收器始终有电,随时可用。智能充电盒还能进行超高速数据传输,方便您快速导出录音。

发射器的3.5mm 音频接口带有锁定螺纹,意味着您永远不必担心麦克风在拍摄中途脱落。与随附的Lavalier II专业广播级领夹麦克风完美搭配。

Wireless PRO 用户指南
Wireless PRO 用户指南介绍了使用 Wireless PRO 录制音频所需的一切知识。这份综合性指南涵盖了从入门到学习如何使用设备,再到使用 RØDE Central 配套应用配置 32 Bit浮点音频、时间码和高级设置的所有内容。